The BUSK meme is an anonymous meme, origin on Algorand, with the trend, Whois behind the Mask? Meme Man. As many have come to understand, Busk is everyone.
The community has understood that, everyone of them is Busk and the identity is birthed upon becoming a holder and becoming the question mark, Who is behind the mask?. $BUSK is for EVERYONE.
Becoming a Busk
The BUSK coin ($BUSK) iD was created on the Algorand blockchain December 17, 2024.
C: 2611535339
How to buy
1. Create a wallet
Download Pera Algo Wallet or your wallet of choice on Algorand from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by following the link on the page of Pera Wallet X https://x.com/peraalgowallet
2. Get some ALGO
Use ALGO in your wallet to swap to $BUSK. If you don’t have any ALGO, you can buy it directly from an exchange to Pera Algo Wallet, transfer from another wallet.
3. Swap for $BUSK
Swap directly in the Pera Algo wallet app or go to Vestige and connect your wallet, swap any asset to $BUSK and confirm in the Pera wallet when prompted.
BUSK is Community Driven.
We would like to thank everyone for supporting Busk. Busk is founded by Leventis.
Not only is $BUSK the first anonymous meme coin ever deployed on Algorand, it also has the provenance of being driven by the paved way created by $MONKO, that inspired it. Community-owned BUSK!